Happy Friday!!!
Who’s ready to increase blog traffic and Facebook engagement??? I am!!! Every Friday on Chasing Joy we flash back to some of our older posts to give them a moment in the spotlight. This Friday let’s have some Facebook Fun too.
Let’s talk about #FlashbackFriday first. #FlashbackFriday is a blogger link up. It’s fun and a good way to increase blog traffic, find new blogs to read, and new readers for your blog. Pick any older post from your blog and add it below. You can also increase blog traffic by sharing your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook page and on Twitter using the hashtag #FlashbackFriday. Also, I will Pin your post to the new #FlashbackFirday Pinterest Board.
** Please Note** Linkys only work when everyone plays fair. Be sure to visit at least two other blogs from the link up and leave a comment. Pick any two you like or keep it simple and visit the two blogs linked up before yours. If you link up early be sure to come back and visit blogs that linked up after you.
My favorite posts from last week’s link up are:
This week I am linking up 10 for 10 Challenge: Meditating On Joy. 10 for 10 is ten days of meditating or 10 minutes. Basic instructions are included in the post.
Add your link here >>>
Now for the Facebook Fun. For the last couple of Friday’s I’ve posted a #FanPageFriday status on Facebook. The purpose of the post is to connect with other bloggers on Facebook and for all of us to grown our likes and our engagement. It’s really simple to participate. Head over to the Chasing Joy Facebok Page. Find the #FanPageFriday post. Tag and /or add a link to your facebook page in the comments. Then like a few of the other pages that link up. To boost engagement visit a few of the pages and saying hello and letting them know where to find you on Facebook. The more energy you put into it the better your results.
What are you linking up and where can I find you on Facebook? Have a Fantastic #FlashbackFriday and #FanPageFriday.
Hey Hon – Thanks for nudging me on this. I have been out of the loop for the last week – "real life" has been completely manic!! Hoping to get back in the groove over the holiday!
Thanks for hosting this forum!!!
Thanks so much for hosting and for featuring Everything Can Change In A Moment!