Remember from my earlier post, Joy, Joy, Where Art Thou, or What are Thou?, The Merriam Webster definition of Joy is the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires. When you accomplish a goal it means your ideas and actions where properly aligned to produce the out come you wanted. You have experienced success. You have achieved something you desire. You have grasped a little bit of Joy for yourself.
So, let take on Monday full force. Let’s set some short term goals and MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
My goals are:
1. To not have carbs after 8:00 pm this week
2. To have some raw veggies every day this week
3. To write up two different documents for my supervisor’s review
What are your goals for the week???
I'm all about short-term goals! They make life more interesting; plus, they're easier (and quicker) to achieve than long-term goals and give one a sense of accomplishment.
My current short-term goals are to complete a professional organizing plan I'm working on for a friend, complete editing a piano manual for kids that a friend of mine wrote; and to rewrite me "About" and "About Me" blog pages in preparation for my blog migration from Blogger to WordPress.