All About U

U is for the letter U U is for the letter U and all of the cool words that start with U that so accurately describe myself and you joy chasers. Which U word best describes you? Which one is your favorite? Mine is Unstoppable! P.S. It's really hard to write an entire blog post with a letter U theme. #AtoZChallenge … READ MORE
Time Flys If Your Joyful Or Not

T is for Time Time is one of the most deceptive factors there is. At the same time one person can be having a blast while another is in misery. Both will experience the same 60 minutes and both will have a completely different perception on how much time has passed. Time will fly for the person having a fun yet it will drag for the person who is not. While time is perceived differently depending on our circumstances, in reality time moves at the same rate no matter what. … READ MORE
All The Earth Needs is Little Bit

S is for Save, as in Save the Planet. Today is Earth Day. For many folks it's the one day a year that they may spend 5 min or so thinking about ways to improve the planet. If I'm being honest, I am more like those people then I care to admit. I am not a tree hugger. I eat meat and wear leather. I have not taken any moral stand against wearing fur. However, I do care about this big rock that we live on. This past crazy winter has me feeling like climate change is … READ MORE
Get Your Mind Right For Joy

R is for Right, as in Right Frame of Mind. I know you may think that I am A naturally happy person since I write about Chasing Joy, but i'm not. While I am careful about what I say and I tend to speak positively my thoughts usually fall more on the side of melancholy. I worry too much. I have too many anxieties. I am all too good at Always Thinking and Fortune Telling. I am Chasing Joy to combat these tendencies. One of the downsides of having a more … READ MORE
Joyful Quotes for all Occasions

Q is for Quotes!!! I love a good quote. I love them so much I have an entire page dedicated to them on this site. See the quotes link above? Sometimes it is hard to put our own feelings and emotions into words. In those cases a good quote can get the job done. That's why the greeting card industry is always popping. Other times it's not so much about using a quote to describe how we feel but using it instead as a source of inspiration or encouragements. My … READ MORE