My mom has a long term illness. I am her caregiver. At times it can be really hard, stressful, even scary. But luckily she has more good days than bad. Which means I have more good days than bad.
41. Casinos (not a typical thing to be thankful for but I enjoy them
42. My discount at the Fertility Clinic
43. Blogalicious (I just purchased my ticket for 2015)
44. Being able to work from home
45. My new bedroom furniture
46. The glitter I added to the paint on my bedroom wall. (sparkles make me happy)
47. Ceramic elephants that remind me of my grandmother
48. The prenatal vitamins making my hair beautiful.
49. Online dating because no-one wants to play matchmaker for me
50. My nephews connecting my Wii to the internet and connecting my Netflix
51. Uneventful and calm vacations with my mom
52. Swimming Pools
53. That my cat can be left alone for a few days without being boarded
54. My salary
55. Passive Income
56. A desk job that is not physically arduous
57. My college school ring
58. My degree
59. my ability to do basic math
60. Holidays
Counting blessings really does work wonders for lifting your mood and make you feel more joyful even when you are going through a tough time. It is a good reminder of how many things God is actively doing in your life.
What are you thankful for right now?
I like your list. Here is my list in no particular order:
1. Your website
2. My home
3. My job
4. Savior
5. Prayer groups
6. Quiet sundays
7. Crafts
8. Ice Cream
9. Books
10. Movies and movie theatres–when you are stressed, check out a movie in surround sound. You gotta get the popcorn and a drink. The whole combination.
11. Bookstore
12. My car
13. Ability to read a map, follow directions and knowledge of north/south/east/west
14. Getting lost–I've found many a restaurant or new attraction by getting lost in an area I've never driven before.
15. Ability to speak well.
16. Writing–keeps me sane.
17. Finances/no debt. Babymaking is expensive though. I take donations 🙂
18. My wedding
19. Ability to see the sunshine in the clouds and to see the silver lining (it may take me a minute, but I can see the humor in any situation–usually after it passes.
20. Ability to think and speak for myself and express my own opinions. I never want to me a carbon copy of the crowd.
21. Shopping malls–the sounds, the smells, the items, the snacks, the background music, the escalators–fun even if I am just window shopping or people watching.
22. Having dinner with genuine friends. Your skin will glow. Test it out.
23. Broccoli.
Thank you Greatful Girl. I am thankful for you readers. I love your list.
That is a wonderful list of things you are thankful for and we all send your Mom gentle purrs and hugs.
Thank you so much Brian!