When I started out on this jouney to be a Single Mom By Choice I had no clue how hard it would be. I thought the hard part was making the decision to go all in on creating my joyful life and pursing motherhood solo. Ha! As you all know I had a missed miscarriage (a miscarriage that does not resolve on it’s own and requires medical intervention) back around Christmas. Since then my updates have understandably been on the sad side. Well this update will be much more upbeat. I am ready to start trying aging. The embeded video below is my plan for my 11 cycle trying to conceive and 7th IUI using frozen donor sperm.
What do you guys think of my plan? Is it too soon to try after my miscarriage?
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Stephanie says
Your blog is amazing! Very personal with relatable. Thank you for sharing your experience with the world. I am sorry to hear about your miscarriage. That is a fear of mine, any womans I guess. I am currently undergoing IUI at the Fertility Institute of San Diego http://www.fertilityinstitutesandiego.com/our-services/fertility-treatment/intrauterine-insemination-iui/ and hope to update with a BFP!
chicken pie says
Heyy very nicee blog!
mommysoon says
Did you change donors? Celebrating with you.