Today I had an epiphany. My cats are helping me understand why I am single.
Recently I have been having a hard time with my singleness. Even though I have decided to pursue becoming a single mother by choice that does not mean that I do not want a partner. I have been accepting applications for my Mr. Joy Chaser for a while now and have not been able to fill the position. I think my singleness has bothered me a bit more since losing my mom. The desire for someone to share important milestones in my life as well as mundane daily occurrences has intensified since I do not have her to share those moments with. Anyway, I have found myself questioning why I am single, why God wants me to be alone and not have a lifelong partner like everyone else.
This brings me to how my cats helped me understand why I am single. I have two cats. Peanut is my mature black and white male tuxedo cat. Buttercup is my crazy orange and white female adolescent kitty. Having recently been fixed she is no longer a kitten. They are cute and silly and have their own Instagram account. You should definitely follow them.
Yesterday Peanut did not greet me in the morning nor come to his bowl for breakfast. I went to check on him and found him looking sad. He had a little mucus (so gross) in the corners of his eyes and in general seemed under the weather. I called the vet and they could not see him for a few days. Since he has a history of bladder blockage, they told me to keep him and Buttercup separate so that I could monitor his food and bathroom habits.
This morning Peanut seemed to be feeling a lot better (hopefully, I will be able to cancel the vet appointment). Despite him seeming better, I wanted to be sure he was out of woods. Since I had to go into the day job, I had to separate the cats. I locked Buttercup on the 2nd floor and kept Peanut on the 1st. They are used to having run of the entire house so I felt bad in keeping them isolated. However, I knew it was for their own good. I need to know if Peanut is using the bathroom. If he does have a cold or virus t is better for Buttercup not to catch it from him. In addition, if he is not fully recuperated it is best that they do not interact as he could lash out.
A little while later while at work I thought of the cats and wondered how they were doing. I was feeling a little guilty thinking that they are probably feeling lonely locked on separate floors. That is when the epiphany came. Maybe God is keeping me isolated for my own good. God allows us to experience love so that we can attempt to understand how he loves us. As much as we love our significant others, parents, children, or in my case cats it is just a little itty bitty teeny tiny example of what His love for us is like. I love my cats enough to keep the apart and to temporarily disappoint and even upset them because it is for their own good. Of course, God would do the same for me!
Perhaps God is keeping me separated from my future Mr. Joy Chaser because he, I, or both of us are spiritually, financially, emotionally or otherwise unwell. Maybe he, I, or both of us need to be fully healed so that we do not end up lashing out and hurting each other. Perhaps he, I or, both of us simply need more time in our own space.
I am not capable of understanding why God has kept me single for the last 8 years any more than my cats can understand why I locked them in separate parts of the house. As I think about how much I love them and know that God loves me so much more I know that this period of singleness, including the feelings of loneliness that sometimes come with it, is for my greater good. Therefore, I will keep on growing, improving, and Chasing Joy until God brings my Mr. Joy Chaser to me.
That is how my cats are helping me understand why I am single. Pets are awesome! They are constantly helping us and even teaching us if you are open to the lessons. Do you have any pets? Has your cat or dog given you any epiphanies or taught you any life lessons?
So many posts today. Love the growth and pet insights.
That’s so true. I have a friend who told me the same thing, if she had met her husband earlier, they wouldn’t end up together at all. I think God wants to make sure that both of you are ready for each other and for the life that you’re going to have together. Also, I hope your cat feels better!
Pets are amazing. I miss my dog! Very cool they have their own instagram.
Im single too love. I feel you but I guess its patience and just keeping your heart open. Dont give your kitties all the love save room for Mr.Joy!
Pets are the greatest. They can bring us comfort in our darkest hour. I hope you meet your Mr. sooner than later.
I have pets but they have not given me any epiphanies. I don’t think my animals are that deep.
Your cat’s names are so cute! I don’t have any pets, but this is an interesting revelation.
Wow very interesting post it’s been years since I’ve been single.
I love your post girl! It’s amazing what great friends our pets can be!
It is amazing how we find answers in the circumstances we encounter in our daily lives. Even more so when we are taking care of others. Keep looking after those little cuties!
I love how God can teach us lessons and give us insight through something we may have never considered before. You’re right, isolation isn’t always punishment. It may be a time for growth and learning.
Love your ability to see the deeper meaning in things. Life certainly gives us signs if we’re willing to be open to them. Hope you find all the joy you seek, whether that be in a relationship or experiences.
This is an interesting take on being single. Humans can learn a lot from animals. I’m totally embracing being single the universe has a way of working everything out. Stay encouraged!
I don’t have any pets. My kids really want a dog though. We are considering it, I’m looking forward to adding a new resident into our home.
I have learned so much about life and about myself from my dogs. They can teach us a lot if we just pay attention to them. I think you have figured that out!
I am constantly learning from my cats. They put life into perspective.
We’ve had a puppy sick this past week ourselves. Turns out, it was his food. Poor little guy.
Such a great way to look at it. my cats and pets always help me make sense of just about everything. This is really great.
I have 2 cats and i love them like they’re my kids. I have had them or 8 years and they’ve always given me unconditional love, no matter what. They teach you a lot about loyalty.
At least you have a pet to keep your company, you are single and not alone. R.I.P to your mom.
This is a very interesting post. I love it! I have cats and dogs for pets. Even if they do not speak our language, they know how to express their feelings. My Shih Tzu can sense if any one in the family has pain. Once he does find out, he won’t leave their side the whole day. I hope someday you will find that special someone.
That is such a great way to look at it! We can learn so much from our pets. I am glad that yours helped bring a little clarity to your life 🙂
This is an interesting perspective. Your cats are beautiful as well.
Pets are a great source of company! Everyone finds someone at different times in their life.
So glad you have these sweeties in your life! And I LOVE that they have their own instagram account!
Pets are cool like that. I think there should be a book about the zen of pets.
You have such a great perspective on life. I definitely don’t always understand God’s plan, but I try to trust that it is better than mine!
Amen! I think you are on to something. As a Christian woman I believe that God continues to shape, mold and prune me until I am prepared for my Godly man to find me. And just as God shapes us, he is doing the same to our future mate. So stay faithful my sister, God’s working on it!! Be blessed.
This is why I love pets. They are like our furry life guides. It’s amazing how they can help us understand our questions or at least help us get through them.
What you said made a lot of sense. My cats, Hazel and Meep sound a like like Peanut and Buttercup.
I love this post. It’s amazing what we can learn from our pets and how they can also illustrate things to us that we might be having trouble with.