Boiron & Homeopathic Medicine to Stay Joyfully Healthy. My visit to Boiron’s PA facility and lab.
You already know my baby shower was last week and it was awesome. What you don’t know is there was one thing that was a bit of a bummer. A couple of my friends couldn’t make it because they were sick. This included one really good friend who actually helped plan the shower and then couldn’t come.
Flu Season!
This got me thinking about how we are still in flu season. I am way overdue in sharing what I learned about homeopathic medicine and Boiron when I visited the company. Boiron has been a long time supporter of Chasing Joy and sponsor of Chasing Joy events. But, I’d never been to their facilities until this year.
The most important thing that I learned on my visit was difference between homeopathic and traditional medicine. During my visit I spent a good amount of time talking to Boiron’s pharmacist. This was the first thing he explained to me. In very basic terms homeopathic medicine helps your body to fight illnesses. Traditional medicine fights the illnesses for you. One is not necessarily better or worse than the other and often they can be used together. While you should check with your doctor if you are being treated for an illness with traditional medicine, typically homeopathic medicines wont interfere with treatment.
During my conversation with the Boiron’s pharmacist a few other things stood out. He explained that there are two important parts of his job. They are teaching about the different homeopathic medicines and helping to maintain truth in marketing. That means making sure the advertising and marketing sections of the company don’t make any claims that Boiron cant stand behind. That kind of checks and balances system makes me feel confident in the company.
One part of my meeting with the pharmacist, who’s name is Christophe Merville, that I really enjoyed was when we talked about our common belief in the importance of building resilience. He told me about his 82 year old mom and how she exhibits resilience and an ability to bounce back when life knocks her down. Christophe said he can see the difference in how happy she is compared to some of her friends. He believes her ability to roll with the punches and discernment when it comes to recognizing true healthy self-care as opposed to instant gratification and escapism. It was very refreshing to get a man’s perspective on resilience and gain insight on the benefits of it later in life.
After meeting with the pharmacist I got to go to Boiron’s lab.
The lab is actually where they make the medicine. It was really cool. I got to wear a hair net, booties, and a lab coat. Though I cold not close my lab coat all the way because my baby bump was in the way. My main takeaways from visiting the lab other than the quality and cleanliness had to do with how they make the medicine. I learned that one of Boiron’s goals is to create tinctures, or medicines, that are as close as possible to the plant it is made from. I also learned that the dilution of the tinctures is adjusted based on how the medicine will be uses.
Below are a few videos and pictures from my visit.
Overall my visit was fun and super informative. We still have a several weeks of cold and season to get through. I hope this info about homeopathic medicine and Boiron helpful. Remember good self-care include staying healthy and doing what it takes to get better if we fall ill. Do you use homeopathic medicines?